Create and Share Baby Registries is a baby registry creation tool, allowing users to add anything from any store.

Add Items from Any Store to Your Registry is the easiest way for expectant mothers and parents to create a baby registry to share with family and friends. The site allows users to add any item from any store on the web to their registry through the simple click of a browser button. offers the easy installation of this button for the most commonly used browsers. If you come across an item that you want or need on Amazon, Etsy, IKEA or basically any other online store, you can quickly add that item and have it show up on your updated registry within seconds. also has its own Product Finder that features the most commonly-added items across all of the site’s registries. Getting inspiration from other users is one of the best ways to think of things to add to your list.

Easily Share Your Registry and Track Who’s Reserved which Items

A baby registry would be of little use if not able to be shared with friends and family, and makes it easy for anyone to access a list. You can share the link to your registry, or people can search for your name directly on the homepage. There’s also the option to set your registry as private, which means its password-protected but still sharable. For those viewing a registry, items are sorted into three categories: “All,” “Available,” and “Reserved.” If there’s an item you want to purchase for the expectant family, all you have to do is click “Reserve It,” and it’s moved to the third column. The creator of the registry can view who’s reserved each item, making the process of sending thank you cards much less stressful. It’s obvious that was created by those that know the issues in making and sharing registries, and it’s a useful resource as well as a strong community of those looking for the right and necessary items for their growing families.


Will Hagle:

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