Rise: The Most Beautiful Way to Wake Up

Bored of your iPhone alarms? We are!  Download Rise and accessorize your wake up scene with the most stylish, sleek, and effective App on the market.

Rise offers a sleep way to wake up and snooze through your day!

“With its refreshing and clever way to set your wake up time, Rise is one of the simplest alarm clocks you’ll ever use.” Rise is easy to set, you simply drag through the different shades of the day to pick a time to wake up. To turn the alarm on or off, you swipe from left to right. Much more convenient than the regular iPhone alarms because you can adjust the wake up time, snooze, and sounds without having to go into settings! Sounds! So many sounds! Rise has a bunch of general melodies, but you could also add any song of your choice.

Rise doesn’t just help you wake up, it will help you fall asleep also!

Not only does Rise give you the ability to keep your alarm on a daily repeat, but it also allows you to create your favorite fall asleep playlist on iTunes and will play it on a timer until you fall asleep. Rise even works when your iPhone is locked or if you exit out of the App. There is an update coming soon that will also keep the App working when your phone is on silent mode.

Rise Alarm Clock – Now Available in the App Store from Bluepic Studios on Vimeo.

Worth the $1.99 it costs?

I think the App is totally worth it! The iPhone does come with it’s custom alarms, but they are no where as cool, effective, and useful as Rise. I love falling asleep to Michael Buble and John Mayer, and might secretly enjoy waking up to Ke$ha even more! You should try it out and comment below with your guilty pleasure songs as well.

Masha Arbisman:

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