Outbox – A Beautiful Inbox for Your Postal Mail

Posted on Monday, July 15th, 2013 by

With Outbox you can manage your postal mail like email.With Outbox you can manage your postal mail like email. No more searching through large piles of paper or bulky file cabinets, Outbox allows you to access its platform on your iPad or computer screen. It’s out to revolutionize the way you get snail mail so that you never have to go to your mailbox ever again.

Outbox - Outbox's team of 'unpostmen' collect your mail up to three times a week, then bring it back to the Outbox warehouse where it is scanned and then digitized for your personal access.How it Works

Outbox’s team of ‘unpostmen” collect your mail up to three times a week. They then bring it back to the Outbox warehouse where it is scanned and then digitized for your personal access. On top of all of that, they can discard all of your junk mail, unsubscribe you from services as well as subscribe you to the ones you actually want.

Outbox - No more searching through large piles of paper or bulky file cabinets, Outbox allows you to access its platform on your iPad or computer screen.

Nice Try Outbox

The idea itself seems to be an intriguing concept, but does it actually work? Outbox is a respectable and innovative idea, however it does raise some issues. Privacy and identity theft are at the top of the list of concerns when using this program. Having individuals working for the company opening your mail to scan it seems like a red light. The greater postal service that Outbox is trying so hard to get rid of has some merit. The only people aware of the contents are the sender and receiver but add Outbox into the mix and that feeling of security evaporates almost immediately.

Outbox - A Beautiful Inbox for Your Postal Mail

Bottom Line

Outbox is a cute idea and definitely something to chew over as we look towards an even more technologically advanced age. At this moment in time however, Outbox seems to be stuck. It’s up to you to choose whether or not to stake a claim in its development and see what new ideas will propel it into success or utter destruction.

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