Coffitivity – Enough Noise to Work

Coffitivity allows you to instantly stream the typical noises of a coffee shop straight to your desktop or device to boost your personal creativity.

Coffee Shop Buzz

Coffitivity is the new website which bottles up the typical background noise of a coffee shop and delivers it right to your computer. Whether at home, in the office, or cramming for a final in your school’s library Coffitivity provides the right level of ambient noise to help get you into the creative working mode. It’s as easy as typing in the website address and turning on the audio. Transport yourself to your favorite coffee shop without having to move an inch. Too bad it doesn’t come with that delicious latte you were craving right about now…

Coffee and Creativity

According  to the Journal of Consumer Research  “results from five experiments demonstrate that a moderate versus low  level of ambient noise enhances performance on creative tasks. A high level of noise on the other hand, hurts creativity”. This is why the low hum of caffeinated voices, the clinking of cups, and even the occasional whistle of the espresso machine all together make the perfect symphony for your ears. The vibe of a coffee shop will enhance an individuals ability to think and get work done. So turn on the Coffitivity webapp and let those creative juices begin to flow.

Franckie Echeverria:

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