See.Me – Where Great Talent Receives Endless Attention

Wouldn’t it be great if you could Show your work and fund your dreams? Now you can, on See.Me, a beautiful online platform where talent meets the attention it genuinely deserves.

Show your Work and Fund your Dreams

See.Me is a megaphone to the world to share your passion for what you create, what you do and what you aspire to. It is an online platform built to support your passions from the simple to the sublime, from the artistic to the awe-inspiring. On this awesome platform you can share the best of what you do and gain recognition and support within the vibrant international community. See.Me provides numerous advantages; you can quickly and easily build a gorgeous profile of your work and share it with the world, earn money by accepting contributions from friends, family, fans and the general public directly on your See.Me profile and connect to a global community of hundreds of thousands of talented people like you.

A Community for Creatives

See.Me is a website and mobile community of 600,000+ members created by a group of artists in New York City. The international community is built of artists, musicians, photographers and fashion enthusiasts who connect to a worldwide audience both online and in live events and exhibitions. The site’s mission is to support your passion for what you create, what you do and what you aspire to. Founder and CEO of See.Me, William Etundi Jr., describes See.Me as a visual social network for creatives “We give creatives of all types, including artists, designers, musicians and photographers, the tools to promote their work and earn money directly from their friends and fans.” Visit See.Me and take a walk on the creative side of the internet.


Etye Sarner:

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