Maildrop: A fake email address

Has a website asked you for your email, but you feel hesitant? No one likes getting Spam, or a virus. Maildrop helps keep your email address a secret.

Shh they won’t tell if you don’t

Mailbox is the first ever “one time use” email system. It’s for those moments when you really don’t want to give out your email address because you know you will receive endless spam, or worse viruses. Here’s how it works. You go to a website and when they ask for your email you type in anything you want with the ending being Then you go to Mailbox’s website and type in that email to their system. No username. No password. Just the email. From there you can check your email you were supposed to receive without worrying about spam. If Mailbox does not receive anything within 24 hours to that account, it’s automatically deleted. You can get up to 10 messages, but nothing with attachments.

Your security blanket

Not only does Mailbox provide you with a way to block your email from possible spam, but they help you feel secure. People and companies you don’t want to have your email won’t have it. If you constantly buy things online, or sign up for trial runs with different sites Mailbox is a great alternative than setting up a separate account. Remember there is no sign up required. It’s easy, stress free, and keeps your email away from any and all threats. So check out Mailbox today, for a fake email account to keep you away from online  hazards.

Maddie Slutsky:

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