The ‘What I Be Project’: Courageous People, Exposing Themselves.

The ‘What I Be Project’ is a photography project about real people that encourages every viewer to look at each image and put themselves in the individuals shoes.

‘I Am Not My ____!’

The ‘What I Be Project‘ is all about honesty. In today’s society, we are told to look or act in a certain way. If we differ from these ‘standards’, we are often judged, ridiculed, and sometimes even killed over them. Photographer Steve Rosenfield started this project in hopes to open up the lines of communication, and to help everyone accept diversity with an open mind & heart. Each person that takes part in the project is extremely courageous! They are putting their insecurities out in the open, and exposing a side of themselves that nobody has seen before.

By stating ‘I am not my_____,’ they are claiming that they do in fact struggle with these issues, but it does not define who they are as a person.

Open Mind & Heart

The ‘What I Be Project‘ is not aimed for people to say ‘You’re not fat’, it is to spread awareness on what people go through due to society’s paved roads. These are serious issues that some of us can live with, but most battle on a day to day basis. By allowing yourself to feel what they feel, you might realize something you’ve never noticed before. If you don’t understand someone’s message, stay tuned. In the near future, each participant will be writing a 500 word or less statement explaining how their insecurity has affected their life. This project provide us viewers with an amazing look into the minds and struggles of real people, visit this unique project’s site, you will not be sorry.



Uri Halevi:

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