StratoCam: Take & View Incredible Satellite Images of Places on Earth

A Reminder of the Beauty of Satellite Images of Earth

Have you ever gone on Google Maps, and tried to find all those incredible places you read about or see on the Travel Channel? If you’re that person, then this little marvel of a site is right up your street! As soon as you click on StratoCam, you’re immediately presented with some absolutely amazing satellite images of landmarks and places around the World, and you’re simply asked to vote up or down for each image. The twist is that any user can easily take and present their own brilliant Google Earth style photo, simply by filling in their name, searching for a place, and clicking the camera button! So simple, yet so inspiring. Just the way we like it 🙂

Click here to explore the Earth from a different angle


Haut-Katanga, DR Congo - a cool snapshot taken on StratoCam

Danny Davies:

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