Posted on Monday, July 8th, 2013 by Maddie Slutsky
Mentos Fresh Filter is a site that allows anyone to post “the freshest stuff” they find on the Internet. The material is chosen by you, for you.
Mentos Fresh Filter is a website that allows people anywhere to post whatever they think is cool on their site. From there people can go to the website and decide for themselves: Is it fresh? Or is it Not fresh? They give you a percentage of the amount of people that find it fresh to give
you an idea of what others are thinking. The items found on this site are unique not only in the sense that you haven’t seen them before but each post has a different personality to it. The reason this is is because there are many contributors to this site, making the posts diverse, fun, and spontaneous.
While there is no exact science on how to be fresh, Mentos Fresh Filter can give you an inside look. On the site there are different categories to choose from to optimize what you view. You can check out the “All Time Freshest”, which includes the posts that got the best and most votes, or you can look and see what is trending online. Another cool feature Mentos Fresh Filter has are their “lists” they create. It usually consists of about 5-10 things that someone finds cool. So for example there are lists on super hero insects, hip hop bunnies, and made-up movie posters…just to name a few. So if you want to find diverse fun posts on the web, make sure to check out Mentos Fresh Filter!