Food Porn Index: Fruits and Veggies vs. Junk Food

Bolthouse Farms created the Food Porn index to track the health of the Internet.

Tweet Healthier.

The Food Porn Index is a site created by Bolthouse Farms. It has a clever concept — it aggregates all of the “food porn” hashtags from various social media platforms – and displays them in a similarly clever home-page design. Bolthouse Farms claims that the site was created as a promotion to get people to stop posting pictures of junk food as #foodporn and to start snapping pictures of their fruits and veggies. The company believes that if more people shared images of healthier foods (rather than the typical hamburgers and desserts that can be found on the average eater’s Instagram), the perception of those foods will shift. Every time a certain food is mentioned in a hashtag (#berry or #bacon) for instance, a number is added to a constantly growing list. You can even tweet or make a Facebook post directly from the homepage.

#kale > #candy

On the left side of the screen, the Food Porn Index displays the number of hashtag mentions certain healthy foods — like kale, carrots, etc. – have achieved. On the right side, the same is done for junk food items like donuts and pizza. The site then tracks which side — the healthy or the unhealthy one — is getting more food porn social shares. At the time of writing, 30% of social shares referenced healthy foods, while the rest favored unhealthy foods. While Bolthouse Farms’ message is certainly positive, the site is mostly cool because each food item comes with an accompanying interactive animation. Click on Kale, for instance, and you’ll spin a slot machine of vegetables. Click on carrots, and you can play cartoon carrots like a xylophone. On the opposite side, the “ice scream” is one of the most entertaining. Play around with the different animations on the site for as long as you can, and then start tweeting out your healthy foods in order to help us all out.

Will Hagle:

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