Flipagram: Create And Share Short Video Stories

Flipagram is an app that allows users to combine photos and music to create a sharable short video sequence.

Tell your Story.

Flipagram is an app designed and created by an innovative team of Los Angeles-based entrepreneurs. It allows users to create short video sequences using the photos stored on their smartphones, set to music that’s also stored on their devices. The app has the simple function of essentially creating slideshows, but it is well-designed and effective. There is also a wide range of flexibility in terms of customization of the Flipagrams. Users determine the length of time in between the changing of photographs, as well as the amount of pictures included in a Flipagram (the minimum amount is 2 photos and there is no maximum). Flipagram is available worldwide on both iOS and Android.

Flip your Instagrams into Something New.

Flipagram integrates with other social media applications such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and sharing your short video stories on other platforms is incredibly easy. Ever since Instagram introduced its response to Twitter’s Vine app with the ability to upload 15-second videos, users have been getting innovative with the short video content that they produce and share on the app. Flipagram allows users to take a step beyond traditional video by uploading customized and creative slideshows of several pictures, all set to music. If you’ve ever seen one of the users that you follow with a strange yet awesome video slideshow on Instagram, it was probably created using Flipagram. If you want an easy way to make something similarly awesome, I’d recommend downloading the app now.

Will Hagle:

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