Cover Canvas – Pimp your Facebook Timeline Profile Picture!

CoverCanvas Facebook Timeline Cover Creator – Ah Facebook, how we love you, and your endless stream of service changes (or not…). And ah how we love your latest big change: the Timeline (or not…). Now we can all share the story of our lives with relative strangers over the internet, with a nice big cover picture to go at the top. Now most of our previous profile pictures just don’t have enough beauty to be a big glossy photo cover for our timelines, and that’s where Cover Canvas steps in… and does a really great job!

You can create a really eye catching Cover Picture for your Facebook Timeline in mere seconds; and it’s quite fun, and not at all difficult! Click here or on the sample cover canvas I created below to get creative with your Facebook profile now 🙂

My New Facebook Cover - It took 10 seconds! Click to make your own and impress your friends

Danny Davies:

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