Artist A Day – Bringing Attention and Exposure to Artists

Artist A Day – Although the Web makes us feel as though virtually anything can be found there, that’s not the case for many artists. Artist a Day brings “attention to artists that otherwise don’t get the attention they deserve,” by showcasing a couple of works of a new artist we would probably have never heard of if it wasn’t for this website. The idea is to introduce users to the artists, and direct them to the artists’ own website or portfolio online.

Artist a Day has an exquisite design as you would expect from an art website, and it also includes Top 5 and Recent artists lists worth checking out. Feel free to vote for your top art works and learn more about emerging new artists. Here are two images by Erik Johansson that I found here on Artist a Day. Here is Johansson’s website if you are interested.

Annat Katz:

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