Ever wonder if there was a way to quantitatively measure your hip hop IQ? Well now there is.
Name That Tune
Meet #TheRapTest, a brand new interactive website that allows users to test their rap knowledge of famous rappers such as Kanye and Drake. 

The concept of the site is rather simple. In fact, it’s sort of a sleek, more addicting version of “Name That Tune.” You choose a rapper (Kanye, Jay Z, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, and Meek Mill are all the current options), hear a soundbite, and choose the correct song in order to proceed. The quicker you pick the right song, the more points you collect. You can play by yourself or challenge your friends, and believe me, you’ll find yourself playing for hours on end.

The Next Internet Craze?
#TheRapTest was co-created by 21-year-old college dropout Danny Friday, who believes in “using full discographies to emphasize the origins of each artist’s work.” He started coding when he was only 12 years old, and his love for rap began 2 years later. 

Combining these hobbies lead to the creation of The Rap Test. Since its inception, the site has generated millions of responses across the globe, and has even gotten the attention of some influential rappers on Twitter. You now have your chance to prove yourself a rap genius. It’s fun, fresh, and we’re already highly addicted.