All the internet’s music, at your fingertips.
There are a ton of music streaming services available online. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, and all of them are included in Let’s Loop.
Get Loopy.
Let’s Loop works similarly to other social media platforms. If you like a song that shows up on your page, you can vote it up. If you don’t like it, vote it down. You can also “reloop” songs on your profile to display to your followers, or on the artist’s profile to display to all of that artist’s followers.This allows you to gain musical recommendations from both your friends (who I hope you have at least somewhat similar music taste with) and fans of your favorite artists (who I assume you have at least somewhat similar music taste with). This formula leads to an endless loop (yeah, I said it) of music discovery. Even though it’s free, you don’t even have to sign up for Let’s Loop in order to use its music discovery services. So what are you waiting for?