The Little Book Club: The Book Club that Grows with your Child

The Little Book Club is a subscription book club that grows with your child. Each month, your child receives 3 books in the mail, and as your child grows the books become more advanced.

The Power of a Good Book

There is something magical about our family’s nightly story-time. No matter how crazy our day has been, story-time has the ability to calm our family down, and bring us closer together. With this thought in mind The Little Book Club was founded, they believe that by ensuring that your children have a steady supply of entertaining, educational, and age appropriate books you will not only support your child’s development, but will also help bring your family closer together for a few precious minutes each night as you help your children discover their new books.

Enrich your family’s Quality Time!

Each month The Little Book Club has a different theme associated with it – “Dinosaur Month”, “Colors Month”, “Adventure Month”, etc. The monthly themes are designed to be appropriate for your child’s current developmental level, and the books selected have been chosen by education and literary specialists. A subscription to The Little Book Club costs $24.95 with free shipping. Think of your kids waiting every month for the postman, and then unwrapping The Little Book Club’s box to find their monthly treasure… priceless! So visit their website and enrich your quality time with the family.


Are you a Book Lover? Come and See our Books Faves!

Uri Halevi:

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