Slader: Your Homework Solutions

Slader is a website that organizes all your homework solutions in one place, providing answers to tough questions and allowing you to see how problems from your textbooks were solved.

Find your Solutions.

Slader is a comprehensive index of solutions to homework problems from a huge variety of academic textbooks. If you’re having trouble with your homework, or if you just need a little more explanation than your teacher offered in class, Slader is the virtual tutor that’ll make your life much easier. The site includes answers to textbook questions in subjects like math, science, history and english, although the latter two are in beta mode and obviously much more difficult to provide answers for since they’re more subjective than math and science. Still, all of those subjects are made much more easy to understand via Slader.

Teach and Learn.

When you log on to the site, you’re immediately prompted to search for your textbook. You can do so by subject, by barcode or by title. Slader mostly caters to high school subjects such as Algebra 1 and Trigonometry. Once you find your textbook on the site, you can flip directly to the page you’re having difficulty with and discover all of the solutions to problems as well as the ways those problems were solved. Although the site does provide answers to homework questions, parents and teachers shouldn’t be worried, as the site ensures that the process actually helps students learn. If a student can’t figure out the answer to a question, demonstrating the pathway that led to that solution is a great method of teaching. The site also offers students the opportunity to make money by helping other students with their homework, which is an awesome opportunity I wish I’d had when I was in school.

Will Hagle:

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