Parents: You really do want to “Meet the Dubiens”!

As a proud parent of young kids, Meet the Dubiens is definitely my favorite crafts blog so far this year. A simple, fun combination of crafts you can make with your kids, and “fun food” you can make for your kids.

One mom’s quest to make adorable lunchboxes for her kids

Meet the Dubiens is a crafting blog made solely by one mom – Jill (AKA Mrs. Dubien…) – who just loves entertaining her kids both at the dinner and the crafts table. Unlike other crafting blogs, Meet the Dubiens does not require you to obtain any extraordinary kitchen items or specific pieces of equipment that will serve you for no other objective then making cool crafts and foods. Jill says that although having the stuff she uses to create cute plates of food for her kids certainly doesn’t hurt, it’s not essential either. You can definitely make your kiddos an easy and adorable lunch using nothing but a regular kitchen knife.

What will you get from this Blog?

First of all you will get great ideas and examples of what can be crafted out of everyday groceries such as  bread, beetroot, an apple and some jam… Second you will have a step by step explanation of how is it done and last but not least, you will be reminded how much fun you can have with your children, without watching T.V or paying someone else for your entertainment. Fun can and should start in quality time at home, just you parents, your kids and a good idea. So get yourself onto the Dubien’s site and start having fun!



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Uri Halevi:

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