Indiegogo: The World’s Largest Funding Platform – Make your Dreams a Reality!

Got something you want to raise money for? A nonprofit, a small business, a film, a new food truck? Indiegogo makes the money raising process much easier…

Have a passion? Fund it!

Indiegogo is the largest open funding platform in the world, where unlike on Kickstarter, any idea is accepted. What makes Indiegogo so distinct from other crowd-funding platforms is that it’s totally open and doesn’t require an application to start a campaign, so it’s easier to at least get on the platform. The rest is down to you 😉

By entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs

All of the Indiegogo founders encountered it at least once in their entrepreneurial lives. All of them had a great idea they believed in, but just couldn’t get the funding it needed to get off the ground.

And that’s why they wanted to help the thousands of others out there: the hard working, passionate entrepreneurs with great ideas, good networks, but struggling to get access to the big funding.

Thus Indiegogo was born; the crowdfunding solution that empowers ideas and enables people to donate funds easily.

Not only for conventional entrepreneurs!

Any campaign can be launched on Indiegogo. All you need is an idea and some compelling assets to include in your pitch on your campaign page.

If you have an independent film you want to raise money for, a charity that you can not fund, practically anything. So if you have a dream visit Indiegogo; Who knows? You might make it a reality!

Uri Halevi:

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