I Remember: Share Memories To Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

‘I remember’ is a blessing most of us take for granted. Share your memories and help to fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Share your Memories with the World

I Remember is a unique site dedicated to helping fight Alzheimer’s disease. The site allows visitors to share memories — the requirement for what that entails is fairly open ended, although most people combine text with a photograph — that are scattered throughout the digital landscape, which mimics a brain. If additional memories are not added to the site, the site begins deleting the memories that exist. The entire existence of the website depends on the continued addition of new memories. This experiment was created to mimic the difficult conditions suffered by those with Alzheimer’s disease, and to emphasize how memories are things that we take for granted if we don’t truly stop to think about how important they are.

Browse the Memories of Others

Even if you don’t upload your own memories, you can still explore the many memories hosted on the site. It’s interesting to browse what other people have posted as memories. Sometimes the memories are as simple as pictures of people standing outdoors, other times they can be more complex. It’s fun to look through the site and see what you can find. I Remember was created by the Foundation Rechereche Médicale in France, but memories have flooded in from all over the world. You can view the site in either English or French. If you’re dedicated to donating towards Alzheimer’s research, you can also make a donation directly to the Foundation through the site, with a suggested minimum of 30 euros.

Will Hagle:

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