GetInspired365: Your Daily Dose Of Inspiration

GetInspired365 is updated on a daily basis in order to offer visitors inspirational stories, videos and history.

A Reason to Be Inspired Every Day

It can be difficult to get inspired to do something worthwhile. Especially online, where there are constant distractions and an incalculable amount of ways to waste time.  Get Inspired 365 does exactly what its name suggests — provides visitors with an inspirational story on a daily basis. Because the stories are based on each day of the calendar year, they typically have some historical context. On June 6, for instance, the site celebrated the Allied Troops landing on the beaches of Normandy during World War II. As soon as the site loaded, a clip from the Band of Brothers mini-series was displayed on the full screen of the browser. There was tons of information regarding the battle, as well as how the soldiers’ bravery can be used as inspiration to be applied in your own daily life.

Enjoyable, Sharable Content

The easiest way to receive your daily dose of inspiration is by signing up for the GetInspired365 newsletter, which arrives in your email inbox on a daily basis. If you’d prefer to visit the site on your own, you’re not limited by the calendar date in terms of the inspiring stories that you can discover. There’s a “stumble” button which delivers you to a random date’s story, as well as a “popular” button that brings you to the site’s most shared stories. Sharing stories on your own is also easy across several social media platforms, and the content is often interesting enough that it’s worth sending to a friend or two. Almost every day’s story has an accompanying video, which (again) fills the browser’s screen but has easy-to-use controls so you can stop/start/adjust the volume as you’d like. This simplistic yet effective design of the site puts itself ahead of similar sites like Upworthy, making it a worthwhile destination to visit on a regular basis.

Will Hagle:

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