Tapiture: Another Pinterest for Men? Not Quite!

Tapiture is a platform for men to discover the best male oriented content on the internet. Its a place for people with shared interests to engage in awesomeness, and buy cool stuff.

Things that Men Like…

Tapiture is a place to discover, share and buy the best manly stuff online, its a combination between Pinterest and LOL Wall with a shopping option. Whether you are in to tech gadgets, stuff for your home, traveling abroad or just like looking good, this platform makes it easy to explore and get the best stuff around. You can “Tap” all the great things you find on the web, organize them into collections, and then explore other Taps and collections from your friends, favorite brands and topics of interest. This includes unique features like tapping high-resolution images, online videos, animated GIFs and more.

Using Men Nature to make a Living…

The creators of Tapiture are no others then the Resig brothers, Leo and John, who are also behind Resignation Media which includes theChive, TheThrottle, theBrigade, theBerry, and theChivery. All of their sites are targeting men and they know their job so it is expected that these assets will further help Tapiture attract a sizable male audience. Its a small wonder then, that Tapiture’s homepage plays host to images depicting trending jokes, cultural icons, and scantily clad women. Everything men likes. The theory behind is probably that if men will like this site enough, they will find it easier to reach for their pockets once coming across a cool product. The site is great fun so we are all for it, try Tapiture and get some laughs, meet people with similar interest and maybe buy something awesome…


Are you a Man? If your answer is ‘Yes’ we have Curated all the Best Manly Sites for you!

Uri Halevi:

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