Keep Calm and Love Cats: Cute Kittens & Kobe Bryant CAN Mix!

Sport Balls Replaced With Cats presents: Big, muscular and testosterone filled professional athletes, battling for the thing that matters the most: The affection of a sweet little kitten…

For the Love of Cats!

Sport Balls Replaced With Cats is all about celebrating kitties. According to their Facebook page they love, own and protect cats just like that huge football players protects their balls, so this blog is all about laughing at muscled people competing for the sweetest kittens. Can you imagine all these manly men running around, sweating on each other, bashing one another with their muscular arms while trying to win a little kitten’s love? Its hilarious!

Make Love not Sports…

At first glance you may think that Sport Balls Replaced With Cats is sending a violent message, that can encourage animal abuse… But after you see the whole site and their Facebook page, and read their comments and captions for the images you realize that this blog could only be the product of serious cat lovers and you get the irony and sarcasm of this awesome blog. Take 5 minutes off your busy day and dive into a world where cute cats and pro athletes can get together!

Uri Halevi:

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