25 Photos For 25 Years: The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
Posted on Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 by Toby Sanders
It has been 25 years since the fall of the Berlin wall, but pictures and memories still tell the story of how communism took over East Berlin.
Berlin Remembers
Many remember the day when a wall started to form enclosing East Berlin from West Berlin and the rest of the world. From 1961-1989 the Berlin Wall kept families apart and destroyed the lives of many, while the rest of the world progressed in their daily lives, it seems East Berlin stayed the same under communist law. Children were born and didn’t know true freedom until the wall fell, many died waiting for the wall to fall and remembering a time without a wall, and some even died trying to escape East Berlin and they would never have that feeling and excitement when the wall finally fell on November 9, 1989. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall. Here are 25 photos for 25 years: the fall of the Berlin Wall.
1. West Berlin citizens hold a vigil at The Berlin Wall in front of the Brandenburg Gate on November 10, 1989. This was after the East German government opened the border between East and West Berlin.

2. A man starts to break down The Berlin Wall on November 12, 1989.

3. Ronald Reagan giving his “Tear Down This Wall” speech on June 12, 1987.

4. East Berliners are applauded as they freely drive through Checkpoint Charlie when the borders between East and West were removed.

5. Thousands of people rushed to The Berlin Wall after the fall.

6. Berliners celebrate the fall of the wall while on top of the wall.

7. Cranes removing pieces of The Berlin Wall.

8. People taking a little part of history for themselves.

9. The first parts of the wall being built in 1961.

10. A dying man is carried away when was shot by East German Guards on August 17, 1962 when he tried to flee East Germany.

11. Hans Conrad Schumann was an East German Soldier who famously defected to West Germany in 1961.

12. West German Policeman prevent people from approaching as East German Policeman stand on the fallen portion of The Berlin Wall.

13. West Germans wait for the arrival of family members from East Germany.

14. The fall of the wall was the start of the true push for reunification of the country. The sign reading Deutschland Einig Vaterland (“Germany United Fatherland”).

15. West Berliners help East Berliners over the wall.

16. One of the many memorials dedicated to those who lost their lives trying to escape from East Berlin.

17. Thousands line up to apply for passage slips to get across the border after Berlin was split on December 19, 1963.

18. A man waves to his relatives on the other side of the wall.

19. The traffic when thousands of East Berliners moved to West Berlin on November 11, 1989.

20. The allied Checkpoint Charlie was once a checkpoint during the Cold War and is now a replica attraction.

21. Giant hand painted domino pieces fall in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the wall.

22. The Brandenburg Gate is illuminated during the 25th anniversary of celebration of the fall of the wall.

23. Lit balloons were installed in Berlin to show where the wall once was in honor of the 25th anniversary.

24. Tourists visiting the wall in 2014.

25. Parts of the wall are now scattered around the world and are for sale decades later.

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