Neila Ray: Fitness Made Free And Easy

Neila Ray’s website offers no-equipment visual workouts, fitness challenges, motivation articles, training tips, recipes and nutrition advice.

Start Exercising Now.

Neila Ray is a fitness instructor that understands that exercise tips and programs should not be exclusive. Rather than charging exorbitant fees for access to videos and advice, Neila posts amazing fitness instructions online. Most of these workout sets are uploaded to the site in the forms of visually-appealing PDFs. Most of them are workouts that can be done from anywhere with minimal equipment. The workouts emphasize various muscle groups — from the “armor abs” workout to the “Daily Burn.” There are also interestingly-named workout programs such as the “Stay Awake Workout” — designed to keep you energized and alert — and the “Hunger Games Tribute Workout,” presumably designed to keep you in shape like Katniss Everdeen and/or Jennifer Lawrence.

Helpful Guides, Free and Easy.

Aside from the PDFs of valuable workout routines, there are also instructional manuals for longer exercise programs with titles such as “90 Days of Action” or “30 Days of Change.” There are also challenges that encourage you to slowly increase your workout and exercise regimen over a set period of days, such as an 8-week program that, by the end, should allow you to run a 5k. The site also features training tips, nutrition tips, and recipes to help you start leading a healthier life. Because all of Neila Ray’s tips and programs are available for free, there’s a section of the site for users to make a donation. If you’re strapped for cash but need some motivation to get in shape — the fitness instructor’s site is a great place to start.

Will Hagle:

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