Text a Doctor, Whenever You Need One
Google is probably asked more health and medical questions than the average doctor.
Trust-Worthy Medical Advice
FirstOpinion is important because it saves people that have little reason to worry a trip to the doctor’s office, while also making it easier to determine when it is necessary to see a professional about an issue. Doctors provide a private, back-and-forth conversation, rather than a one-sided, question-and-answer-style forum. Doctors also provide regular check-ups for their virtual patients, ensuring that communication is never mishandled. The app allows users to ask any question, from concerns about a child’s allergy to advice on how to treat skin issues. There’s no limitation to the questions you can ask or the advice you can receive. Each of the five doctors working with the app has a profile on the website, so you can be assured that the advice you’re receiving is trustworthy and legitimate. FirstOpinion is a hypochondriac’s dream, but also an important service for all.