Google Trends: Visualize The World’s Trending Searches

Google Trends displays the top Google searches from around the world in a visually-pleasing format.

Google the world.

You probably don’t want to know what any given person Googles throughout a particular day. The results would be either boring or disgusting. What’s way more interesting, however, is what the entire world’s been Googling. Especially when Google itself presents you with that information, laid out on a visually-stunning webpage. The search engine company (although it feels a little weird to call them a search engine company at this point, considering how far their online presence reaches these days) has created a new site that continuously updates the “hot trends” that users have recently searched, with large white text displayed over colorful backgrounds.  Unsurprisingly, one of the hot trends that flashed across the screen while I was viewing the site was “Ricin,” considering the Breaking Bad series finale recently aired (and the internet loves Breaking Bad). “Neymar” was also a trend, because Neymar is an incredible yet controversy-stirring athlete.

Narrow it down.

If you click on one of the trends displayed on the screen, Google immediately searches the word or phrase for you. If you’re looking at the page for “All Regions,” however, you’ll probably come across several searches in languages that you don’t understand. Thankfully, the site also lets you narrow the visualization down to one of many on a list of countries. In the US, for instance, a lot of people are searching for information about the government, which has temporarily shut down. Australia is searching for information about Australian athletes such as Buddy Franklin, as well as for phrases such as “US government shutdown.” Japan is searching for words and phrases that I do not understand (but you might!). The new site is incredibly simple to use, but also entertaining and informative. Google continues to impress.

Will Hagle:

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