Magnum Pleasure Hunt: Feel Temptation With This Interactive Game

Play this fun, interactive adventure game, collecting Magnum chocolate as you explore the world via Bing maps…

Magnum Pleasure Hunt: It really is pleasurable!

Pleasure is defined in a website I found as “a source of enjoyment or delight”. My personal definition of it would be traveling around the world and having a delicious dessert in every city I visit. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: “OMG, that sounds absolutely perfect… I’m gonna steal this girl’s idea!… oh, no… too expensive, raising the money will take forever”. Well, don’t worry… here’s a website where you can visit New York, Paris and Brazil while filling your stomach (OK, I should have said eyes) with the yummy looking chocolates. Welcome to the Magnum Pleasure Hunt experience… Bon apetit eyes!

And it really is interactive!

The keyword for the Magnum experience should be interactive. It’s an adventure game which consists in gathering as many chocolates as possible while walking around places such as the new yorker Greene St., the Pont Neuf in Paris, flying in the Bvlgari store carried by a bunch of colorful baloons, or running through the Au Viea south in Rio de Janeiro, right on the side of the beach. But the charm of the trip relies not only in the amazement of the chosen destinations but also in the way they are developed in front of the users’ eyes. The main character – a very pretty girl for the male audience – gives the impression of taking over the screen, as she can walk and jump on its sides, and use the words and titles as stairs to climb towards a chocolate.

Don’t miss out on this awesomely sweet online adventure game… although you might wanna buy some Magnum chocolates before you play. It’s hard to prevent yourself from biting the screen if you don’t…


Natalia Farbiarz:

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