Posted on Monday, January 20th, 2014 by Danny Rosenberg
…Can it wait? I’m playing Kingdom Rush Frontiers… just a few more minutes, c’mon… OK OK! I’ll write the blog post… Geez man I’ll do it.
Right, the blog post for Kingdom Rush Frontiers. OK let’s make this quick, I’ve got villages to defend! So um, there are these guys…bad guys…and they’re attacking your territories, so you have to, you know, protect your house! You’ve played tower defense games before, right? Kingdom Rush has got the same format we all love. You gotta strategize by building your defenses in the right places and commanding your little warrior dudes. Everything’s upgradable from your barracks to your reinforcements.
Oh, and I’ve got a “hero” I’m developing. He, like, regenerates and gets better the more you use him–he’s a beast! And be careful, or I’ll rain down my divine fire from the skies on your behind! HA HA HA…yea… what? Yea, I’ll calm down. It’s cool.
There’s lots of other stuff in Frontiers too…what more to say? Just play the game!