How Dare You: Never Disturb a Monk During His Meditation

How Dare You is a flash game that illustrates the outcome of disturbing a peaceful monk’s meditation: A hurricane of wrath and fury!

Serenity Now…

So, you think that you can pluck a hair off a monk’s beard while he meditates and get away with it… How Dare You?!? This monk does not appreciate it when people mess with him while he tries to connect with his enlightened inner self, so he literally explodes and starts jumping on bad guy’s heads on his journey toward retribution. It’s a really fun and addictive game, it’s hard at first but as you advance you can purchase upgrades (more stamina, longer boosts, batter gear, etc.) which makes life a lot easier. The game if of course free of charge and will provide you with long minutes of satisfying retribution pleasure. You’re not playing yet? How Dare You?!?


Uri Halevi:

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