It’s As Easy As 2, 4, 8
The objective of the game is to combine squares to reach 2048. Squares start off as 2s or 4s and only combine with like numbers.
It’s Hard Even If You Cheat!
When I first started playing this game, I looked up cheats to figure out how to play. Even with reading some, the general consensus seems to be that everyone has a different opinion. Once I figured it out, it was easier for me to understand the cheats and try different methods, but I still only ended up with 256 as my highest score. This game is gaining popularity, and you should definitely join the craze. However, it is extremely addictive and comes in an app, so make sure you have a few hours cleared out to play!
Update: After playing for hours last night, I did manage to get 2 512 squares, but couldn’t get them to combine…I’m not giving up though…