Carrot Fantasy 2: Defend your Carrot!

What are you prepared to sacrifice for what you love? I don’t care what you have to do; the carrot will live!

What’s waiting for you at home, soldier?

Carrot Fantasy 2 is a prototypical ‘defend your castle’ style game. You gain points by destroying monsters that walk, crawl, and hover down the pre-determined track. Your points allow you to build more defenses or upgrade the ones you’ve already purchased. As each wave passes, the monsters increase in speed, strength, and volume. At the end of the track sits your poor, helpless carrot. You must defend the carrot at all costs…at ALL costs…

“Guns…Lot’s of guns”

The further you progress in Carrot Fantasy 2, the more weapons are at your disposal to build and upgrade. They all have different attributes, so you have to decide which point of the track will be best for each weapon. Some will slow the enemy down, others will have a large blast radius, and so on. There are also various barriers along the track that, when destroyed, will free you space to build more weapons (and some contain weapons themselves).


Danny Rosenberg:

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