1 Screen Hero: 1 Dungeon, 1 Hero, 10 Secondes…

1 Screen Hero is a great action/puzzle flash game where you play a scavenging knight who tries to loot an ever changing dungeon.

Scavenge the Dungeon in 10 Seconds…

1 Screen Hero is a fun little flash game. You play a brave knight who is doomed to an eternal dungeon scavenging, the loot changes but our poor knight seems to be stuck in the same place. There are four portals on the screen in each corner, and a timer is constantly counting down. You’ve got to scamper about collecting coins, open treasure chests, and doing battle with all kinds of foul beasts before the timer gets too low. When it hits zero, the level reshuffles into a new format, so you’d better make sure you’re on the right portal so all the madness can start again. The whole game is a mad dash of collection and combat. This game is about split second decisions: Do you go after that chest, or play it safe and stick near the portal? Check it out and decide for yourselves.

Uri Halevi:

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