The Big Quote: Inspiration at the Click of a Mouse

The Big Quote offers famous quotes from all genres and types of people, to inspire your everyday lives.

Famous people say the best things!

What do Tupac, Robert Frost, and Jim Carrey have in common? Other than being some of the most inspirational men of our generation, they all have incredible views and quotes on life. The Big Quote takes their words and the words of many others, pastes them on top of a black and white photo of it’s author and inspires readers from all over.

Need Inspiration?

When I sit down to work at my desk each morning, a lot of the time I can sit and stare at text for a long time before something speaks to me and the writing begins. When I’m looking for inspiration I tend to go to photo based websites so that the colors and meaningfulness of photography spices up some thoughts for blogging. For the longest time I thought this was sufficient, but now that we found The Big Quote, I realized that when it comes to writing, quotes are far more inspirational (at least for me) than photographs.

Just need a quote?

If instead of inspiration you are looking for a quote to share on Facebook, something to insert into an essay, or a new motto for the week, The Big Quote has you covered. It offers quotes from artists, musicians, actors, writers, and even from our President.

Share your thoughts, share famous quotes

Sharing these quotes can’t be easier. When you find something you like, at the top right of each photo you’ll find four options: permalink, reblog, reblog on tumblr, and like on tumblr.  Pick the option that suits your sharing needs and inspire others around you.


Masha Arbisman:

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