Welcome to the “Story Verse”:
Small Demons – What have you read lately? I’ve been working through John Grisham’s endless conveyor belt of legal thrillers. What I really like about his novels is that he makes his stories seem real. You know the streets his lawyers and criminals chase each other down. You know that courtroom. You even know that drink the protagonist sips at the bar. They’re places in your City. It’s the same beer you always take at your local bar… His skill is in creating a whole world where fiction mixes with fact. And there’s so many other authors out there who do the same; whose stories are skillfully intertwined with places, people and products you know. This, my friends, is called the “story verse”.
And it’s where spellbinding new books site, Small Demons, comes to life…
Connect stories you read to the life you lead:
Log yourself into Small Demons, start exploring the books in their database, and you’re immediately you’re whisked into the ‘story verse’, visualized in a growing encyclopedia of all those cool places, people and products from real life mentioned in your fave books. The best example I’ve found is this Small Demons feature on the fascinating Steve Jobs biography (he’s the guy that invented the iPod (and Macbook, iPad, iPhone etc etc) in case you didn’t know!) It had everything for me to explore: all the people, companies, places, music, movies, TV & radio shows, other books, food and drink, newspapers, gadgets, events, vehicles and pretty much anything else that could be mentioned in the book.
Watch the brilliant intro video below then click here to explore the world you share with your books…