Random facts to improve your knowlege provides quick and interesting facts to keep you occupied while you’re probably supposed to be doing something else.

A Quick Way to Learn

On you will find an endless stream of facts that provides you with smart, scientific and a little nerdy general knowledge. Most chances are that you could lead a great life without ever needing to know any of it, but you know what they say about knowledge and power… The site’s easy interface makes it perfect for some fast facts while your on the train to work or just have a few moments to aimlessly search around the internet. This site is perfect for annoying your friends with all the incredibly random facts that you pick up.

Feed Your Inner Nerd is addictively simple, click next and you are introduced to a whole new nerdy fact that will keep you begging for another. I just don’t know how I would of continued my life without knowing that “‘J’ is the only letter of the alphabet not used in the atomic symbol for any element” but has come to the rescue. Feed your inner nerd and give a try, its an awesome website for some quick and educational fun.

Bryan Pinsker:

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