Taking Jabs at Viral Content Giants
The famous satirical news source, The Onion, now has its sights set on a new target: the new viral,

The Message Behind It All…

According to their website, ClickHole has one and only one core belief: All web content deserves to go viral… ClickHole is the latest and greatest online social experience filled with the most clickable, irresistibly shareable content anywhere on the internet.” This statement confirms the sad fact that a mix of apathy, boredom, procrastination, and low expectations have caused people to buy into senseless, misleading content on the web. Then the sad reality really hits you when you realize that a huge portion of clickers on the web will visit Clickhole and not even realize the satirical message behind it. Even sadder, is the fact that even those who know that the site is mocking them, still can’t resist and click!

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