AwesomeBox: Collaborative Box Set of Photo Cards

AwesomeBox brings together friends and family to share photos and messages custom printed into a box set of beautiful cards.

Get a Group Together to Give an Awesome Gift

AwesomeBox is an attempt at reintroducing the concept of personalized, tangible cards to the digital era. The site provides a platform that makes it easy for groups of people to collaborate in the creation of a box set of custom, printed cards. The cards, all of which are 5.25”x5.25”, feature one image and one message printed on either side. The box sets are typically designed to be given as gifts for any occasion, although anyone can obviously create one for any purpose. It is, like its name suggests, an awesome service because so many contributors can be invited to collaborate on the same project, each adding their own unique words and images.

Customization on Each Card

AwesomeBox is currently somewhat limited by the fact that its users must also have a Facebook profile. That’s an increasingly common requirement, but AwesomeBox is even more limited by the fact that the box’s recipient must also have a Facebook account. Still, allowing AwesomeBox access to your Facebook photos does make it easier to quickly find and use images that are shared by the entire group. You can also upload photos or text to make a card. Despite the limitations, AwesomeBox does provide a great service for large groups that want to add their unique voices to a gift box for a special individual.

Will Hagle:

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