Junk Food Guy – Indulge in Your Sweet Tooth

Junk Food Guy is a well-written, funny blog about various junk foods, new and old, that will get your mouth watering within seconds.


The Junk Food Guy is a great website for all you junk food eaters out there! (Don’t lie to yourself…everyone is at heart!).  It is an All-American blog, unlike others of the same genre, which is important to the blogger, as he insinuates that a reviewer must actually be in America to be able to write about the best (but worst for you!) kinds of junk food.  A huge perk of the blog is his pride in the consistency of posts, so he updates his blog every single day.  And, the Junk Food Guy does not like to steer to far off topic, keeping the posts and conversations about junk food itself, not restaurants or chains.

Too Good To Just Read!

No one wants to read paragraph after paragraph about the best tasting foods in the world and not see what they look like!  That’s why the Junk Food Guy packs his blogs with pictures so you know what you’re reading about, and you know what to look for!  At the end of each blog post, the Junk Food Guy says where he purchased the product, and how much he paid for it.  So when you’re done reading, and your mouth is dripping, you know exactly what to do!  The Junk Food Guy is a delightful daily read if you’re in the mood for a quick laugh and a review on the latest and greatest junk food!

Adam Eller:

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