Wikido: A Comprehensive View of your City Current Events

Wikido is a web 2.0 events search engine for concerts, sports, arts, live music, comedy shows, theater and nightlife events that is going-on in your city.

What’s Going on Tonight?

With WikiDo, you’ll be able to find all of the events within your city on any particular day. When you ask WikiDo to find events within your city, it collects information automatically from millions of sites in web and sends the users back to the original sites for the event details. The things to do are categorized into several categories for you, including nightlife, food and drink, arts and museums, social events, religious events, etc. True to its web 2.0 philosophy, anyone can further add on or modify the contents and so the search engine is really an hybrid in which the results are by the contribution of all the users and the site’s algorithm.

Your Leisure Wikipidia…

WikiDo doesn’t stop with a static listing of events, each event is editable by any user so you can leave a review or share helpful information that will give a personal perspective to other users or you can even add your own new things to do into WikiDo’s database. The site was created by the Becchi brothers who define themselves as ‘passionate Data Mining, Machine Learning and Web Programming‘, with a goal that anyone should know about everything that is going on today in their own city. The result is awesome, so if you have a couple of hours to burn today, check it out and find out what your fair city has to offer.



Uri Halevi:

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