Why Go Wild: The Traditional And Wild Tool Box

Why Go Wild is an informative interactive site that details how wild plants can be used in a variety of beneficial factors throughout the globe.

Go Wild

Why Go Wild is a site created by the World Wide Fund For Nature and Traffic (the wildlife trade monitoring network) as part of the Central Europe Program, which aims to promote the collection and use of wild plants to reduce social and economic disparities in Central Europe. The site includes information about wild plants and how they can be sustainably used for a variety of purposes in modern life. The site is designed to emphasize the natural beauty of Central Europe, allowing you to use your cursor to explore various (moving) pictures of plants while listening to a soothing accompanying soundtrack. All aspects of harvesting and trading wild plants are discussed on Why Go Wild, including international policies as well as ways to receive guidance on the issue.

Learn the Importance of Wild Plants Around the World

Why Go Wild is split up into various sections, all of which offer information about why individuals in Central Europe and around the world should be harnessing the power of wild plants. There’s a “Did you know?” section which features interesting facts like “an average head produces 16 kms of hair a year.” Each of these facts also includes a fact about a wild plant. Nettle, in this case, encourages hair growth by improving circulation and reducing shedding, according to Why Go Wild. You can also test the knowledge you’ve acquired in the “Did you know?” section in a trivia quiz section. You can browse an interactive map of case studies involving wild plants (which is one of the site’s major highlights, as it demonstrates how Why Go Wild is implementing its mission in various communities around the world). The site spreads an unusual yet important message that impacts the entire globe, and it’s unique design makes browsing the page and absorbing the interesting information it offers much more enjoyable.

Will Hagle:

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