Societe Perrier: What’s Hot Tonight, from London to Miami

Cool sparkling water brand Perrier has come up with equally sparkling way to help you find what’s hot tonight, from London to Miami to Mexico! Naturally, it’s time for you to join Societe Perrier…

Intelligent culture (and rebranding) worldwide

Société Perrier is a highly extensive blog about everything interesting in art, music, fashion, travel, nightlife and cocktail culture. It’s a brilliant piece of rebranding from Perrier into positioning itself with a younger, bar-hungry culture, complete with partnerships with some of the World’s premier clubs, bars, hotels and event spaces.

So if you’re looking for the hottest parties and events from London to Miami to Mexico, Societe Premier is an ideal port of call, currently spanning 12 major cities and 9 countries. The idea being that when you see the Societe Perrier seal somewhere, you will know you’re in the right place to be…

The AAA seal of Nightlife & Culture?

Société Perrier aspire to become an arbiter for nightlife and culture; Perrier’s goal is to make its seal as influential as the triple A approved seal that everyone looks for while travelling the U.S.A, only for nightlife and culture. For now they are not quite there yet but they do offer quality cultural blogs on a variety of subjects and events.

One of my favorite features is their ‘Mixology by Perrier’ blogs. On it you will find blogs about beverage directors who promote their businesses but also share their favorite cocktail’s recipes (most of the recipes naturally contains some oz of Perrier…) and once in a while a recipe of a new interesting Perrier containing cocktail. Its a great blog with awesome content, check it out and upgrade your cultural life!

Uri Halevi:

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