Is Pheed the New Twitter?

Posted on Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 by

If Facebook and Twitter had a love child – and then made it a premium service – Pheed might be that social network…

Popular among celebrities

Pheed seems to be popular among the celebrity or trendsetter crowd as the social platform allows you to track what is trending. Stars like Chris Brown, Emma Roberts, and Miley Cyrus already have their own channels dedicated to them.

Subscribers, famous or not, have the choice between using the free feed or upgrading by paying a monthly subscription. The upgrade allows you to monetize your content; you can even set a pay-per-view event to say a broadcast or lecture in the form of voice notes. With either upgrade, you set your own price and earn straight from the event.

App coming soon

Searching through online article I found that an app for Pheed was rumored to be out by late October, but I have yet to find it. Their twitter expresses that the app was sent to the Apple store and should be released any day now.  But even without the app, Pheed has gotten over 400,000 sign ups including over 200 celebrities in the few weeks it has been active.

Where will Pheed fit in?

The reason I think Pheed won’t die out like many other social platforms have is because it’s exclusive. Whereas you can promote your ideas on Facebook, subscribers have to pay for your ideas on Pheed which means only the best ideas will be read and only great ideas will prosper. Users can set a price between $1.99 and $34.99 per view or per month and earn profit straight from their ideas. Pheed will however take half of the revenue to cover expenses such as payment processing and storage.Will it be the next Facebook or Twitter? 

Will Pheed Succeed?

The real test to Pheeds success is figuring out how many fans will pay to hear exclusive content from their favorite celebrities, professors, or people. When Miley Cyrus launched an audio recording, Forbes Magazine says it attracted over 10,000 visitors in just half a second. Lets hope other people will be as lucky as Miley.

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