Movievisor: Recommending Movies Based on your Past Favorites

Movievisor is a recommendation search engine that suggests movies to satisfy what you’re in the mood to watch.

Beyond the Basics of Recommendations

Sometimes the most challenging part of watching a movie is actually choosing which one to watch. With thousands of options, narrowing down the selection can be headache inducing. While the burden of choice won’t be eliminated completely, Movievisor helps to narrow it down. You simply type a movie you like into the search engine, and it generates suggestions they think you’ll also love. You can then give their recommendations and thumbs up or down and the movies are tweaked to adjust to your personal preferences. However, this website goes beyond basic movie recommendations. Movievisor also shows the Rotten Tomatoes rating, and allows users to filter by genre and release date. The most useful feature is arguably the ability to filter by source, such as Netflix and Hulu. This allows you to narrow the search down based on which site you have a subscription to. The result is a perfect match for both your mood, and available resources.

Putting It to the Test:

I put Movievisor’s recommendation abilities to the test by typing my all-time favorite (and non-embarrassing) movie into their search engine: The Devil Wears Prada. I was pleased to see some of my other favorites in their suggestions, such as Love Actually and Clueless. After playing around with the genre and release date filters, more great options appeared. However some of their recommendations were a bit out of place. For example, Movievisor also suggested Requiem for a Dream because both movies overlap in the drama category. Even though The Devil Wears Prada has “dramatic” moments, suggesting Requiem is worlds away from the light-hearted comedy. So while some of the suggestions are a bit questionable, with some fine-tuning, Movievisor has the potential to be the go-to website for discovering great new movies.


Emily Mendel:

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