Jaunted: A Pop Culture Travel Guide for Globetrotters

Jaunted is a participatory daily web magazine that offers pop culture travel reviews, it is the offbeat travel guide of pop culture & the entertainment industry.

The Pop Culture Travel Guide

Jaunted is the pop culture travel guide for globetrotters, business road dogs, and arm chair travelers who are too harried to sit down with a traditional travel guide. This travel magazine was definitely made for a generation that possesses a small attention span, a generation that was born and raised in today’s pop culture. On it you will find all sort of different travel reviews you’ll never find on other travel guides; the places where you can find foot-long ice cream cones, which lounge includes a flight simulator, what airline is considering crew costumes, etc. Offbeat to the bone!

A Different Point of View…

True to the pop culture, Jaunted doesn’t take itself to seriously but makes sure it still delivers travel news for us readers. Don’t be surprised if between an article about Southwest Airlines ‘Hostesses in Hotpants’ and a story of a joke written in the sky by a comedian, you will find articles about airlines changing routes and things you should buy while in Istanbul. Jaunted is also participatory and encourages you to share hot travel tips on super secret spots you know or even photos of a celeb you ran into while you were roaming the earth… Check Jaunted out, an offbeat point of view guaranteed!

Uri Halevi:

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