World Science U: A New Type of Online Science Education

World Science U is a site dedicated to making science education open and accessible to all.

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World Science U offers scientific information on an extensive list of topics, intended to be suitable for people of all interest and knowledge levels. The site uses the tools of the web in order to create a new kind of online education. Rather than simply placing a camera in the classroom of a lecture that exists somewhere in the real world, World Science U uses innovative tools to depict scientific theories, interactive examples and other elements that help students understand difficult scientific concepts. This approach to instruction greatly separates World Science U from other online learning sites, crafting a unique but helpful form of online education.

Unique Approaches to Online Learning.

Students can take a variety of courses via World Science U, each of with comes with an accompanying guide, videos, example problems and other interactive elements. Smaller courses, which last from 2-3 weeks, highlight general concepts such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Although these courses are less intensive than others offered on the site, they are still highly informative. Another option is for students to take “University Courses,” which are 8-10 week classes that offer a more in-depth look at scientific subjects. Sample courses include “Quantum Mechanics” and “Special Relativity.” In addition to the courses offered on World Science U, the site also  includes a visual board that gives students access to hundreds of questions and answers about wide-ranging scientific topics. These questions are typically answered in a video by an expert who delivers an unfiltered, honest response to science’s most difficult questions. Anyone with an interest in learning about science or expanding upon previously held knowledge should definitely consider enrolling in a course. There’s limited risk involved — and the outcome could be a huge improvement in knowledge and an increased understanding of science’s many subjects.

Will Hagle:

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