Have you ever been in an awkward situation and needed a fun, easy-going way to break the ice? Are you struggling to be productive and looking for better ways to succeed? Just want to impress your friends or party-goers with random facts? Useful Science can help with all of the above!
Knowledge Is Power!
I love knowing random facts. As a relatively shy girl growing up, I was always looking for ways to break the ice and contribute to a conversation that I couldn’t quite figure out how to jump in to. 

I also loved learning new things and read a lot, and those things contributed to my love of random facts and tidbits. Useful Science has different categories of facts such as Education, Productivity, Sleep, and Fitness. Not only will you be able to rattle off facts such as “When people held hot beverages (hot coffee), they perceived strangers as friendlier and warmer than when they held cold beverages (iced coffee)”, but you can learn facts and helpful tips that will help you in every day life, such as “Better reported sleep quality (longer duration and better quality sleep) was associated with greater fat loss during a calorie-restriction diet program in adults”.

Extend Your Knowledge and Share It
Useful Science isn’t just full of facts, there are links on each one to share it on Facebook or Twitter, and if you click on the fact, it will take you to the article or study that proves the fact. This way, you can read it for yourself and gather more information to back yourself up when you use it! This website is AWESOME. I managed to get lost in it for an hour or so just reading it for this review, and I can’t wait to reference one of the quotes next time I want to rattle one off.