Ranku: Online Degrees Rediscovered

Ranku helps you discover online degrees and certificate programs at top US colleges and universities.

Search for Online Degree Programs

Ranku was built to help prospective students find the online degree that best suits their interests and/or professional goals. The site also has the noble goal of breaking the trend in for-profit online American colleges, which tend to be what Ranku describes as “call centers with a college built around it.” In order to avoid those common traps, the site partners with established educational institutions like the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia, as well as online-specific schools like Florida Tech University Online. There’s a fairly broad list of schools offering unique degree programs that is hosted on Ranku, but the site is still somewhat limited in terms of what’s offered.

A More Equitable Search Tool than Google for Online Degree Programs

Each school that’s listed on Ranku is accompanied by an extensive profile with useful information that gives a detailed overview for interested students. Acceptance rates, tuition, GPA requirements, school overviews and other tidbits of information are listed for each school. There’s also additional information about each specific degree that the schools offer. Ranku also allows users to explore programs based on field/area of interest rather than school, selecting from broad categories like Medicine & Health, Education, Business, Engineering or Computer Science. There’s also a search tool that lets you hone in on your exact subject interest and degree level. Ranku could be improved with a larger list of degree offerings, but it’s still a great place to start exploring the numerous opportunities that exist for those looking to complete some sort of degree or education from a trusted online institution.

Will Hagle:

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