Alkopedia: Resource for Alcohol Education

Alkopedia teaches young adults about the effects of alcohol on individuals and the societies in which they live.

Breaking Down Alcohol Myths

Alkopedia is a well-illustrated, interactive website that gets young adults thinking about the realities of alcohol use. Users click their way through a series of questions that serve to illustrate when and why people consume alcohol. The answers to these questions include data from modern surveys to show trends in alcohol use and policy. The site presents the information in a serious, but non-overbearing way.

How do you Say Alcohol in Swedish?

Well, if you didn’t guess it by now, it’s Alkohol 😉 . Alkopedia was created by The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN), so be aware that some of the questions and data are Sweden specific (“What is the age limit to buy alcohol in Sweden?” Answer: 18). Despite this minor drawback, Alkopedia remains a great source of information about one of the world’s most abused substances.

Danny Rosenberg:

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