Fueled By Water: 17 Short Films Sponsored By Speedo

Speedo has made a site allowing you to explore 17 short films celebrating people who are Fueled By Water.

Explore the Stories of People Passionate about Water

Everyone, technically, is fueled by water. It makes up the majority of our bodies, and without drinking it we die. Those who buy Speedo products are most likely more fueled by water than the average person. To highlight the company’s contribution to aquatic apparel and accessories, Speedo has made an online experience which features 17 short films. The unifying premise of all the films is that they celebrate people who have been “Fueled by Water.” Swimmers, body surfers, and life guards are all featured. All offer a unique story, but the films are connected by the theme of profiling people who love swimming or otherwise interacting with water on a regular basis.

17 Short, Compelling Documentary-Style Films

Most of the 17 films are short — around 2 or 3 minutes — and shot in a documentary style. Even in such a short amount of time, there are tons of incredible people telling amazing stories. The determination of deep water swimmers, the excitement of young children first learning how to swim, and the passion of a high school swim team are all among the stories told. The coolest film is probably the one that shows Jurgen Schmidt, a 91-year-old master swimmer who’s still competing after 41 years. Exploring the site and discovering stories like Schmidt’s is a rewarding experience, so it’s easy to forget that it’s designed as a promotional campaign. All of the videos either feature Speedo products or target people that would buy them, but the marketing is not overdone and the stories are enjoyable enough on their own.

Will Hagle:

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